Purple Stock, Green Mums, Lavender Roses, Pink Alstroemeria Lilies, Solidago, Yellow Gerbera Daisies, Hot Pink Carnations.
Add to any celebration with this colorful fresh flower arrangement. This is sure to please with the vibrant colors and lovely variety of fresh flowers.
These bright blooms will certainly brighten the day of that special someone you want to surprise. This arrangement contains stock which is very fragrant. Sure to please the recipient.
Each Green, Hot Pink,red,orange And Purple Carnations, Dark Blue Delphinium, Monti, Daisy Vase, Red Bow.
A colorful arrangement of assorted color carnations and blue delphinium accented with white monte casino. Finished off with a coordinating bow. Sure to brighten any day.
This arrangement is filled with bold bright colors sure to catch the attention of your recipient. A mixture of yellow daisies, orange roses, orange and green carnations accented with purple statice and babies breath.
A romantic gesture is always welcome and this lovely arrangement is not only beautiful but long lasting as well. An arrangement of white daisies, red alstroemeria lilies, accented with babies breath, and complemented with a red bow.